Sleeping Dogs рассказывает историю детектива Вэй Шена, который был внедрен в один из преступных синдикатов гонконгской Триады. Ему предстоит сделать все возможное, чтобы остаться незамеченным и выжить, постоянно совершая моральный выбор. В Sleeping Dogs вас ждут погони, перестрелки и сражения с использованием различных боевых стилей, а также множество миссий и свобода выбора.
* Потрясающая драма полицейского, в которой Вы рискуете разоблачить себя в
любое время.
* Взрывной экшн с комбинированием различных видов смертельных боевых искусств, интенсивных перестрелок и зверских разборок.
* Эпичность и острые ощущения: зажгите улицы на экзотических автомобилях, супербайках и скоростных моторных лодках.
* Гонконг - ваша детская площадка: участвуйте в незаконных гонках, азартных играх. Есть множество способов развлечь себя во всех районах Гонконга.
- Операционная система: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 (
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.71 GHz или аналогичный AMD
- Жесткий диск: 5.6 ГБ
‘Georges St. Pierre (GSP)’ content:
- GSP’s signature “flying punch”
- Exclusive GSP outfit including T-shirts, headband and shorts
- The GSP outfit unlocks the “flying punch” and increases grappling and throwing damage
‘Police Protection’ content:
- “High Speed” Mission
- HK Police SWAT Outfit
- SWAT assault rifle
- SWAT Police Vehicle
‘Martial Arts’ content:
- Shaolin Showdown Mission
- Shaolin Warrior outfit (with increased striking damage)
- Bonus Triad XP points
- Wing Chun decoration for safehouse (with temporary combat buff)
Just Cause 2 Character Pack
Upon starting Sleeping Dogs, players with a Just Cause 2 game save on their console or PC will find an exclusive Just Cause 2 clothes set available in their in-game safe house.
Top Dog Silver Pack
Boost your Cop, Face and Triad Experience Points to earn respect fast and gain new abilities. Gives you 5,500 Triad, 3,000 Cop and 3,000 extra Face Experience Points. For the ultimate upgrade combine with the Top Dog Gold Pack.
Top Dog Gold Pack
Earn major respect by boosting your Cop, Face and Triad Experience Points and gaining new abilities. Gives you 8,250 Triad, 4,500 Cop and 4,500 extra Face Experience Points. For the ultimate in upgrades combine with the Top Dog Silver Pack.
The Red Envelope Pack
Need help buying that fast car, fancy threads or luxury items for your new apartment? For fortune and prosperity download the Red Envelopes Pack. There are 20 envelopes each stuffed with $50k, scattered throughout Hong Kong, find them all and you'll net a cool 1 Million HK dollars to spend on whatever you want.
The High Roller Pack
Want that fast track to the in-crowd? Look like the real deal with the super fast, luxury Tuono vehicle and High Roller outfit. Plus, with an extra $200k to burn you can be sure to get ahead and get noticed. Please note this pack gives you early access to the Tuono vehicle and the High Roller outfit, these items can also be earned through the normal game progression.

Retro Triad Pack
Go old school with a killer look and ride straight out of the 80s! New hair, accessories, clothes and boots are combined with an 80s style kung fu van to complete the look. Items come with their own buffs, increasing your damage resistance, Triad and Face experience and striking damage. With this new look everyone will know you are big trouble on the streets of Hong Kong.
Особенности репака: